G rowing up I was fascinated with movies. I made my first two films in high school: “The Tower of Dracula,” and “Al Capone.” After college, I worked abroad in the travel industry for a few years. On my return to the States, I was able to land work in documentaries. I consider myself fortunate that I could turn my continuing interest in film from an avocation into a career.
It was all 16mm film at the time, and I learned to do everything on-the-job: assistant cameraman, sound recordist, assistant editor, editor, and cameraman. Along the way, I was constantly making small films; producing, directing, shooting & editing all by myself. Like many of my contemporaries, my social and political perspectives were deeply affected by the times, and my films have always been suffused with my philosophy of social responsibility. In fact, my very first production was a 30-second PSA titled, “A Tree” for Friends of Central Park.
I then started to work as a cameraman; first for the BBC in New York, and then for PBS, ABC and CBS. I continued shooting, editing, and producing for the networks & a variety of corporations traveling across the United States as well as shooting many films abroad.
Along with the rest of the industry, I migrated to digital, benefitting from its flexibility and cost savings (although a big part of my heart will always reside in film).
I have remained working exclusively in documentaries, and I was able to shoot many long-form projects including two American Masters: “Ella Fitzgerald: Something to Live For,” and “Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows.” In addition, I filmed the independent features: “Pie in the Sky” and “Piano Blues.” I also produced and directed a film on church and state issues, “In God We Teach,” as well as producing (with producer/director, Mirra Bank) “Last Dance,” a feature that was short-listed for an Academy Award.
I consider myself a lucky person. Having been able to work in my chosen field of documentaries, I’ve traveled to interesting places and worked with many creative and fascinating people.